Saturday, September 21, 2013

Jillian and Luke's Cinco de Mayo Birthday Party

Luke and Jilly's 5th Birthday was a blast this year.  We decided to do a Cinco de Mayo party for their birthday, and I think as you can see everyone had a great time.  Despite ran...we partied on and even the adults got into the festivities.  Beers, Margaritas, and awesome Mexican food topped off the day.  Luke and Jilly were happy to have their closest friends and family there to celebrate the day with them.

 Luke and Miles

 Partying with rain clouds


 These boys are the best of friends!

 Sombreros and cervesas

 Jilly's friends Ally, Nicole and Maddie

 Decorating beach buckets

 Dos Amigos

 Zach is that you??

 Momma and Jilly (chocolate face and all)

Adam and Rob partying it up with the babies

 Erin and I (we have know each other for 32 years!)

 School birthday celebration day

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